Black Treacle is one of those ingredients that you use a little bit of to make parkin or Christmas pudding, and then half a tin of it sits in your cupboard (usually hidden at the back!) until the year after. But there are so many other exciting, delicious and interesting recipes you can also use in it! I've featured some of the recipes I've made with leftover black treacle below and also gathered some other ideas from around the internet you may like to try...
Laura loves cakes
Funny you should post this...I was just looking at recipes for using up my black treacle, this very afternoon! I settled on the gingerbread option! I like your other ideas too! 🙂
Sarah Barnes
Love these ideas but think you missed a trick here. My initial thought on reading the title involved David Beckham's thighs. Can't believe the thought didn't occur to you!
Kat (The Baking Explorer)
Laura, I'm so glad you found this helpful, hope you enjoy the gingerbread cake!
Sarah I think I am missing the punch line there...! You may have to spell it out for me.
Bruce Laker
Kat, I think Sarah was thinking of spreading the treacle on his thighs....
Mrs Mulford
Great Title ! Sarah where's the blog link? ! Meanwhile I'm for the orange icing on the gingerbread but if you fancy a different nibble there's a recipe on my blog for a tangy parkin and what about making a gingerbread house and people for Christmas. Happy Baking !
I don't have enough black treacle for my gingerbread. Is there a sugar I can use instead and if so, how much would I need to use instead of 1.5 lbs of black treacle? I don't have any molasses and can't get to any shops.
Kat BakingExplorer
Hi, you can use golden syrup instead! I was thinking honey or maple syrup might work too, I've never tried those though.
Thank you for this, Kat! I have had half a tin of this in my cupboard for FAR too long. Years! I just googled recipes for it and your page was the first hit! I think I’ll do the gingerbread loaf. Thank you!
You're very welcome! Let me know how it goes!